Message from the Former President
Aiming to be the stronghold of intellect in East Asia,
by educating human resources ready for global society under the Kanazawa University brand
As it aims to carry out reforms in accordance with its status as a research university dedicated to education, while opening up its doors to both local and global society and to serve as the stronghold of intellect in East Asia as called for in its university charter, Kanazawa University is devoting all its energies toward educating human resources capable of thriving as key members of global society. Its goals of “Developing Human Resources to Lead the Global Society and Establishing the Kanazawa University Brand by Thorough Internationalization” as part of the Top Global University Project (Super Global Universities) for which it was chosen in 2014 are intended to accelerate these university reforms and internationalization of education.
In May 2014, Kanazawa University established the Kanazawa University Global Standards (KUGS) describing in specific terms the ideal human resources it aims to educate. Under KUGS, we have clearly indicated the abilities, strength, and human power needed of core leaders in today’s knowledge-based society and are adopting a curriculum compliant with these ideals in accordance with uniform educational policies, from our bachelor’s degree programs through graduate school. We also are working to improve ability to communicate in the global language of English, so that graduates can contribute proactively to progressively globalizing international society. We have introduced a special educational program for this purpose with the cooperation of Tufts University in the United States. The entire university is striving to improve English-language abilities by implementing this program for students, faculty, and staff.
To realize our ideal vision for the Kanazawa University of 10 years in the future, the entire university is working as one to establish the Kanazawa University model through advancing globalization and internationalization on campus and to drive internationalization in the Hokuriku region and Japan as a whole.
We appreciate the continued understanding of and cooperation in the University’s initiatives of people involved in the University and our supporters.
March, 2015
Koetsu Yamazaki,President, Kanazawa University