医薬保健研究域 城戸照彦教授がベトナム・ハノイ医科大学名誉教授を授与 Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam has awarded the Honorary Professor for Prof. Teruhiko Kido, Faculty of Health Sciences.


ベトナム・ハノイ医科大学において,医薬保健研究域保健学系 城戸 照彦教授の名誉教授授与式が行われました。式では,Nguyen Duc Hinh学長とTruong Viet Dung公衆衛生学部長から2001年以降毎年継続的に実施されているベトナムでの枯葉剤健康被害調査の共同研究やベトナム人留学生の大学院受け入れ等の功績について紹介がありました。

なお,ベトナムでは2009年から名誉教授制度が始まり,城戸教授はハノイ医科大学の名誉教授第1号となりました。当日の模様は,ベトナム国営テレビやベトナム最大の医療系新聞( “健康と生活”ベトナム保健省発行)で紹介されました。


Hanoi Medical University has awarded the title of Honorary Professor for Prof. Teruhiko Kido, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University at Hanoi in Vietnam. Rector Nguyen Duc Hinh and Dean of Public Health Truong Viet Dung introduced Prof. Kido’s carrier on scientific researches on long-term effects of Agent Orange/dioxin for Vietnamese human health and environment, collaborating with 10-80 Division, Hanoi Medical University since 2001 and also on educational support of Vietnamese researchers as graduate students in Kanazawa University. This Honorary Professor system in Vietnam has started this year and his award was the first time in Hanoi Medical University, This ceremony was broadcasted by VTV2&4(both are national TV stations) and also was reported by Vietnamese newspaper “Health and Life” which was issued by Vietnamese Ministry of Health and was the most popular in the medical field in Vietnam. Faculty of Medicine, Kanazawa University has agreed to cooperate with Hanoi Medical University since 2006. This autumn, these cooperation and exchange will be advanced between two universities. This award and ongoing collaborative research are expected to contribute to the exchange of two universities.

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