Kanazawa University's SGU vision

Initiatives for implementing the strategies

GS courses

To realize the KUGS, courses based on the KUGS philosophy will be established as GS courses. Consisting of standard GS courses, GS language courses, college GS courses, and graduate school GS courses, these courses will educate human resources throughout Kanazawa University who have the abilities called for in the KUGS, from the undergraduate through the postgraduate level.

Outline of new curriculum based on GS courses

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Kanazawa University Super Global ELP Center

Courses offered in English will increase massively in order to education students who will be able to understand the world and express the specialized knowledge and education they acquired while at KU in both their native languages and English in the future. To realize this goal, English-language programs will be implemented for students, faculty, and staff in cooperation with Tufts University. The English ability of the entire university will improve through English training in small groups by expert native-speaking language educators.

Empowerment programs

Based on recognition of the importance of physical and mental strength, these programs are intended to help students accept diverse values and be aware of their role as members of society. Students are expected to complete either of the following two programs by graduation. By learning off campus, they will acquire the human power needed to succeed in the international society of the future.

Overseas dispatch program

Students will study abroad in the country of their choice from a range of overseas programs set up mainly at schools that have concluded exchange agreements with Kanazawa University. Experiencing living abroad in a different culture helps students to grow in various ways.

Hands-on program extending beyond community boundaries

Together with deepening exchange with local people together with international students and encouraging understanding of Japanese culture and the local community, students will be encouraged to develop their own visions of the future and live their lives as students conscious of their own goals.

Institute for Frontier Science Initiative

The goal of this organization is to create new academic domains through integrated research within the organization by setting up highly individual research groups in research areas in which Kanazawa University has advantages, as research units. The organization also will include a higher education section to provide top-class education for outstanding graduate students. It will educate graduate students who aim to be educators and researchers in the future to attain diverse abilities in addition to their research abilities, by accumulating experience in overseas research and in education.