Community learning “Super” Experience Program in Gokayama 【KU-GLOCS ACT.29】


“Community learning ‘Super’ Experience Program in Gokayama” took place from February 12 to 14, and 37 students joined the event.

From this fiscal year, Kanazawa University started to offer “Community learning ‘Super’ Experience Program” as a general education course, which is one of the featured initiatives of the Top Global University Project. Through interaction with local people, the participants are expected to nurture human resilience, understand different cultures, know much about local community, and learn how to cooperate well with others.

On the first day, the participants experienced Zen meditation and tried to play the local folk songs such as Kokiriko-bushi and Mugiya-bushi. On the second day, they experienced snowshoeing, and joined with their host family in the evening. On the third day, they visited Iwase family’s house which is designated as a nationally important cultural property. The participants built up their human resilience, and learned about the nature and culture in Gokayama area.